Ayy Hotels is providing the hotel reservation system and restaurant management system to all types of hotels, resorts, appartments, Inn, motels, hostels, restaurant, lodges and guest houses. Our Software runs on Website or Cloud based and Android Mobile App. We aim to be the most cost-effective and user-friendly hotel reservation system on the market today. The bookings can be done anytime, anywhere. No software installations or updates needed. Ayy Hotels is a powerful hotel management software dedicated to small and medium accommodation facilities. Easy to use and comfortable guest management area. Store all contact information and guest reservation history in one place. The hotel system lets you create multiple guest profiles, along with maintaining the commission of various booking sources. Our system supports Web or Cloud and Mobile App based property management software platform with which a hotel and hotel groups can effectively simplify all their core operations. Right from the front-desk to billing and revenue management, the hotel software helps the hotel management to organise all their departments by replacing the traditional methods of hotel keeping.
Our Software handle all your bookings, track availability and access different views from a single dashboard in our hotel system. With our cloud hotel property management software, all your front office operations get sorted and simplified. Our property management system will help you take and manage your group operations effortlessly. Our Software provide you the flexibility to manage multiple companies and chain of hotels without any hassle of multiple logins. We provide you a centralized system to access all the branches starting from the centralized reservation to analytical reports summary we give you the power to manage all your hotels at once. We empowers you with automation of multiple companies & hotels. It will give the real time data of each Hotel or group of Hotels. Central Reservation will help to improve the loyalty towards your guest by switching your Guest in multiple property if rooms are not available in another.